In seven states (Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Orissa, Arunachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh) anti-conversion laws are in effect. This lends support to militant groups and promotes violence against Christians. Sadly, daily reports of violence against believers, village churches being destroyed and church leaders being threatened and/or attacked by local Hindus are a reality in India. Our Indian brothers and sisters in Christ also face more subtle persecutions, such as being denied inheritance rights, living in poverty, being cast from their families and ostracism.
Prayer Requests
- Pray that militant influences in the government will continue to decrease and that freedom of religion will be recognized throughout India.
- Pray for protection for pastors, missionaries, evangelists and other Christian workers as they share the Good News of Jesus.
- Pray for that those who turn to Christ will find the means to have their needs met.
- Pray that those who seek to hinder the work of the Church in India will see the love and grace of Jesus in the lives of Indian Christians.
Thank you for including India Pastor. We are believing for a day this country won't be included on this list!