Pakistani Christians face heavy opposition from militant Islamic groups, including imprisonment, severe brutalities and even death. False charges have been brought up against many Christians in Pakistan under Law 295c (blaspheming Mohammed or the Quran). This crime is punishable by death. Militants have often pressured judges in courtrooms to return a guilty verdict or to continue trials indefinitely. A Christian man's testimony is worth half that of a Muslim man's in court. A Christian woman's testimony is worth just a quarter. This said - these women and girls are easy targets for rape -- and justice for them is extremely hard to get.
On the 7th of this month, Asia Bibi, a Christian mother of two, was the first woman to receive a death sentence for 'blasphemy'. She was arrested in June of last year. She was also fined the amount equal to an average Pakistani worker's salary for two-and-a-half years.
Pray for her release. Pray that she will trust God to lift her spirits as she suffers. Pray for God's peace to sustain her husband and two daughters. Pray that other believers in that country will remain strong in the faith.
Further, the North West Frontier Province of Pakistan has passed a bill noted to be the "Talibanization" of Pakistan by some critics. This law would establish watchdogs with the power to publicly note and enforce "Islamic values". Christians in other parts of Pakistan are praying that this law will not pass country-wide.
Prayer Requests
- Pray that those in prison for their faith will know the presence of God and will grow in their faith.
- Pray that Christians in Pakistan will have a bold testimony to those around them.
- Pray for protection for Christians facing intimidation and threats from those around them.
Thank you Pastor for raising the awareness of the Christian community, both Protestants and Catholic’s to the plight of the persecuted church around the world. The simple desire for people to have individual Freedom like worshiping Jesus Christ causes them great personal harm, incarceration or even death. I believe this week will be “time well spent”!